Monday, July 29, 2013

Pokemon Let's Play!

Hey guys! Pokeboss coming right at you with my first official blog post!

First of all, I just want to kind of say how much I appreciate the support that you guys have shown in the early stages of this community. We've got some truly special ponies associated with Team Young Spark, and I'm frankly excited to see where this ends up taking us.

Now that I've got that out of the way, I can move on to the true purpose of this post! As many of you can tell, either from Twitter posts or simple deduction, I am an avid Pokemon fan. I mean hell, my cutie mark is a Masterball for Celestia's sake. So I decided to share with everypony a playthrough of Pokemon Yellow.

The reason I chose Yellow is because that was the first game I ever played. My parents bought me a Gameboy Color when I was about 5, and the rest is history. Also, I think it's one of the better versions of the Pokemon games because not only can you get all 3 of the regular starters AND a Pikachu, I enjoy the graphical improvements they made between R/G/B and Yellow.

Anyways, I hope everypony enjoys the video and can forgive the little audio glitch that seems persistant throughout the video. If it becomes a problem, I'll just end up muting the sound from the emulator and maybe playing some music in the background of the videos. I haven't really decided yet.

Here's the link:


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