Saturday, August 3, 2013

Fan art Submitted From 7-27 through 8/2/13

Well everypony, here's the next set of updates for the page:

~We hit 225 subs on Twitter and 11 on Facebook. If you would like to keep up with all updates and all of Team Young Spark's shenanigans then follows us on both sites and subscribe to us via email.

~Welcoming Jake New ( to the herd! :D We're just slowly growing! If you would like to join our herd then contact one of the admins; Pokeboss, Inferno, Twisted Tempo, or Rocking Aurora
~Inferno decided to do the FiM Fic but needs a name for it. If you have any ideas then leave a comment here or find him on Twitter. Winner will have their name featured on here, in the credits of the story and something else that hasn't been determined yet.

~Pokeboss is looking for some art! He is looking for some ponies to draw his OC. Send him some love too guys! He's the one who pushed for this herd and deserves some love as well!

And now the art! As a quick note, if it's not up immediately Inferno was going through a lot the past few days and is about to head on vacation so it may take a little time for him to get everything up to date! However, don't be afraid to submit more art!

MLP Ponies:
By: @Rjstudio2

By: @Rjstudio2
By:  @Myow_

By: @Rjstudio2

By: @Rjstudio2

OC art:

BlacKLighT By: @Rjstudio2

Fan Art of Admins:

Pokeboss By: @T_Tempo_NSFW

Inferno By @themcbo33

Friday, August 2, 2013

My Little Subreddit Review Series: Episode 1, Part 2 Final Thoughts Team Twilight Sparkles

Team Twilight Sparkle's Cover
Alright everypony, after my original review of this went of into a novel (which I was expecting to happen, hence the two parts) I'm going to make this one short and sweet. My overall opinion and some details. The rating however will have to wait til the last episode where I say which is my favorite. For anypony who isn't aware, I'm reviewing Team Twilight Sparkle (link) from the My Little Subreddit (link) fundraiser held in December of 2012. If you want to read the full examination of the album, then click here. Make sure you look into all the album though because I'm working on posting a review to all of them.
     Now, my biggest thought about this album is there isn't enough variety, which I think if they had one or two more "peppier" songs, or if they arranged it a little better I would like this one better. All of the songs are nearly the exact same tempo which is great for mixing them but isn't so great when it comes to asking for variety. I would make a joke about them being as flat as Twilight's personality, but all joking aside it isn't bad. The only thing that I don't like about it is the repetitive style that's used throughout. If the pony in charge of deciding which song went where would have mixed it up a bit more, I think my overall impression with this album would be higher. The songs on their own could be used in a good mix (and I intend to use at least 2 of them when I pick back up on mixing) but the layout that it was presented was a little sub par.

Tune in next week as I go over Team Apple Jack's album in detail! As always, don't forget to subscribe for more pony action! This has been Harmonic Inferno, signing out.